How to Organize In-Person and Online Classes

Today, we will talk about a topic that can transform your passion for decorated cookies into an extra source of income: how to organize yourself to give classes. Whether in-person or online, teaching can be an enriching and profitable experience. Let’s dive into this universe and discover how you can prepare to give amazing classes!

The Importance of Teaching

Have you ever taught any kind of class besides cookies? If so, you know that teaching is one of the most effective ways to learn. According to William Glasser, we learn 10% by reading, 20% by listening, 30% by seeing, and 50% by seeing and listening. These are passive learnings. Active learnings are even more effective: 70% by conversing, asking, repeating, and debating, 80% when we do or practice, and 95% when we teach others. So, besides learning, teaching is extremely satisfying as you see others applying what you taught.

How to organize to give classes

My Experiences with Classes

I started by giving “experimental” in-person classes, meaning free ones. I taught a future ex-partner how to make cookies, beat royal icing, color, and decorate. Then, I created “decorate it yourself” kits and went to a children’s party, where I taught the kids to decorate their cookies. I also gave classes at a charitable institution for children and teenagers. Each class was a learning opportunity, both for me and the students.

Motivations for Organizing Classes

  1. Extra Income Source: One or two classes a month can be as profitable as weekly orders.
  2. Making New Friends: By teaching adults, you not only gain students but also friends.
  3. Contributing to the Community: Think about how many teachers helped you get where you are. You can also make that difference.

Stages of Organizing a Class

Let’s talk about the stages of organizing a class, differentiating between in-person and online.

Defining the Model and Theme of the Class

First, define whether the class will be demonstrative or hands-on. Then, choose the theme: beginner, intermediate, advanced, or an exclusive technique. Create a set for advertising and mentally explain what you are doing while preparing the models.

Choosing the Location

For in-person classes, the location should be well-lit and spacious. It can be at home or in a rented space. For online classes, the “location” changes a bit. You need technology knowledge and good lighting. You can conduct the class live via Facebook, Instagram, or Zoom, or recorded.

Preparation of Materials and Equipment

For in-person classes, you will need reusable materials (tips, brushes, needles) and consumables (flour, royal icing, colorants). For online classes, a cell phone with a good camera and lighting are essential. You can record with your cell phone or hire a professional.

Promotion and Registrations

Set the class date and start promoting it at least a month in advance. Use social media, customer lists, flyers, and local ads. For registrations, use platforms like Google Forms, Kajabi.

Setting the Price

Consider the costs of materials, preparation time, and class execution. For online classes, the cost is lower, but the supply is large, so think about how to differentiate yourself.

Class Execution

Arrive early to organize the space and materials. Follow a prepared script and interact with the participants. After the class, send a thank-you email and request feedback.

Checklist for Organizing Classes

Here is a checklist to ensure you don’t forget anything:

1. Initial Planning

Define the Class Theme

  • Type of class (beginners, intermediates, advanced)
  • Specific techniques to be taught
  • Class objectives

Choose the Class Model

  • Demonstrative or hands-on
  • In-person or online

2. Content Preparation

Develop Teaching Material

  • Handouts, slides, videos
  • List of necessary materials
  • Examples and models of decorated cookies

Time Each Activity

  • Preparation of materials
  • Execution time of techniques
  • Time for questions and interaction

3. Logistics and Location

Choose the Class Location

  • In-person: Classroom, kitchen, rented space
  • Online: Streaming platform (Facebook, Instagram, Zoom, etc.)

Prepare the Space

  • Adequate lighting
  • Necessary equipment (cameras, microphones, stands)
  • Space for all participants

4. Materials and Equipment

Reusable Materials

  • Tips, brushes, needles, palette, water spray, airbrush, stencil

Consumable Materials

  • Flour, royal icing, colorants, boxes

Recording and Streaming Equipment

  • Cameras, cell phones, tripods, lighting
  • Editing software (if necessary)

5. Promotion and Registrations

Set the Class Date

  • Allow enough time for promotion (at least a month)

Promote the Class

  • Social media (Instagram, Facebook, YouTube)
  • Customer list
  • Flyers and local ads
  • Interest groups (schools, small business portals)

Manage Registrations

  • Registration platforms (Google Forms, Microsoft Forms, Podia)
  • Collect participant information
  • Confirm payment and access

6. Class Execution

Pre-Class Preparation

  • Arrive early to organize the space
  • Check all equipment and materials

During the Class

  • Follow the prepared script
  • Interact with participants
  • Answer questions and offer support

7. Post-Class

Thank You and Feedback

  • Send a thank-you email or message
  • Request feedback from participants

Analysis and Improvement

  • Review the feedback received
  • Identify improvement points for future classes

8. Financial Considerations

Set the Class Price

  • Consider costs of materials, preparation time, space rental (if necessary)
  • Compare with market prices

Manage Costs and Revenues

  • Keep a record of expenses and revenues
  • Evaluate the profitability of the classes

I hope this guide has encouraged you to organize yourself to start in the world of classes. Next week, we will talk about Administration and Processes. See you then!


This checklist covers the main points for organizing a cookie decorating class, both in-person and online. By following these steps, you can ensure that your classes are well-planned, organized, and executed, providing an enriching experience for your students. Good luck with your classes!

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