Discovering Your Why: The Inspiring Journey

Discovering your why is a journey that begins at the heart of every creative endeavor, whether it’s a hobby turned into a business or a passion for baking and crafts, there is a powerful “why” that drives dreams and fuels persistence. Simon Sinek, a visionary and optimist by excellence, revolutionized the way we think about success and leadership with his theory of “Start with Why”. This approach is not only applicable to large corporations; it is deeply relevant for artisans, bakers, and everyone who finds joy and purpose in the art of creating.

By applying Sinek’s philosophy to the world of decorated cookies and crafts, we pave a path to a deeper understanding of our motivations and to building businesses and hobbies that not only thrive but also deeply resonate with our values and dreams. In this post, we invite you to embark on a journey of discovery, to explore and reaffirm the “why” behind your passion for baking and crafts. By doing so, we not only find inspiration and motivation to continue, but we also connect more deeply with our community, customers, and most importantly, with ourselves.

Part 1: Why Do We Start?

In the universe of baking, every sweet has a story, and every craftsman, a beginning marked by a singular motive. Many venture into this world as a hobby, seeking a creative outlet, a way to pass the time, or simply to be closer to loved ones at home. Over time, what begins as a leisure activity often blossoms into a source of extra income, or even becomes the main source of livelihood. But what really moves us to take the first step on this sweet and challenging journey?

My Story

For me, the journey began at a moment of reflection and a search for renewal. Despite my deep passion and respect for Information Technology (IT)—a field that always fascinated me for its ability to solve problems and help people—I felt drained and longed for something that touched my heart in a different way. It was then that I came across the enchanting world of decorated cookies. The art of transforming simple cookies into edible works of art captured my imagination and offered a new channel to express my creativity and passion for helping others.

However, my journey took an unexpected turn. IT, my old passion, soon made its presence felt again, but this time, it harmoniously blended with my new adventure in baking. I began to explore how I could integrate my IT experience with my passion for decorated cookies. This led me to create custom cutters using 3D printers, to develop an app dedicated to organizing baking tools, and to organize events that brought together enthusiasts and professionals in the field. I discovered that, although I loved making decorated cookies, my true passion lay in animating and organizing the universe around me, making a difference in people’s lives through technology, innovation, and organization.


Today, I find myself in a place where IT and baking coexist, complementing each other. My clients may have initially fallen in love with my cookies, but what really motivates me is the opportunity to positively impact their businesses and lives, offering solutions that combine the best of both worlds. This journey of integrating IT and baking not only allowed me to rediscover my passion and purpose but also taught me the importance of being open to change and following my heart, even when it leads me down unexpected paths.

Discovering Your Why

Thus, the question “Why do we start?” has as many answers as there are people in this world. For some, it may be the search for a gratifying hobby, for others, the need for extra income, or even the desire to be closer to family. In my case, it was the search for renewal and the passion for making a difference in people’s lives by uniting two seemingly distinct worlds: IT and baking. What we all have in common, however, is the desire to find something that fills us, that challenges us, and above all, that makes us happy.

Part 2: The Power of Why by Simon Sinek

Simon Sinek, a visionary thinker and influential author, introduced a transformative concept to the world of business and leadership with his theory of “Start with Why”. His approach not only challenges conventions but also provides a new perspective on what drives success and innovation. At the core of this theory is the belief that understanding our “why”—the fundamental reason why we do what we do—is crucial for maintaining focus, inspiration, and resilience, especially in the face of adversity.

Understanding Our “Why”

Simon Sinek’s “why” refers to our intrinsic motivation, that deep reason that gets us up every morning to pursue our dreams and goals. It’s not about what we do or how we do it, but why we choose to do what we do. For individuals and organizations, identifying this “why” is essential for building a solid foundation upon which to develop strategies, make decisions, and inspire action. When we face challenges or obstacles, it’s this “why” that provides us with the clarity and strength needed to persevere.

Practical Examples of Sustainable Success

Companies like Apple are often cited by Sinek as examples of how the power of “why” can be applied to achieve sustainable success. Apple does not define itself by what it does—making electronics—but rather by why: challenging the status quo and thinking differently. This “why” not only shaped their approach to design and innovation but also created a loyal community of customers and brand advocates.

Another notable example is Starbucks, which transformed the coffee-drinking experience by emphasizing the creation of a “third place” between work and home. Their “why” is not simply to sell coffee but to inspire and nurture the human spirit—one cup at a time. This clear purpose helped Starbucks differentiate itself in a saturated market and build a globally recognized brand.

Applying the “Why” in Baking and Crafts

In the world of baking and crafts, the “why” can be as diverse as the creators themselves. For some, it may be the joy of bringing smiles to people’s faces with their creations; for others, it may be the passion for expressing their creativity or preserving family traditions. Regardless of the “why”, it’s this motivation that sustains passion, drives innovation, and inspires excellence.

For example, when faced with the challenge of innovating in the decorated cookie market, I turned to my passion for technology and organization. My “why”—making a difference in people’s lives by combining baking with IT—guided me in creating tools and events that not only meet the needs of bakers but also enrich the community. This clear focus on the “why” allowed me to navigate through changes and challenges, keeping passion and purpose at the heart of my venture.

In Summary

The power of Simon Sinek’s “why” is an invaluable tool for anyone seeking not only to achieve success but also to create a significant impact in their field. By delving deep into our intrinsic motivation and remaining true to it, we can inspire others, overcome adversity, and accomplish our most ambitious visions.

Part 3: Why Do We Continue?

The journey in any creative field, such as baking or crafting, is marked by a constant evolution, not just of skills and techniques, but also of the motives that drive us to move forward. Over time, what started as a hobby or a form of personal expression can evolve into something with a much deeper and more comprehensive meaning. This part of our dialogue is dedicated to exploring how and why our initial “whys” may have evolved and what this means for the continuity of our passion and enterprise.

Evolution of Initial Motives

For many of us, the beginning of our journey in baking or crafting was marked by simple and personal reasons. Perhaps it was the search for a creative hobby, the need for extra income, or the desire to be closer to our loved ones. However, as we delve deeper into our art, these initial motives begin to expand and transform. What was initially a leisure activity becoming a burning passion, a vocation, or even a life mission.

For me, what started as an escape from the world of IT and a passion for decorated cookies evolved into a mission to integrate technology and baking in innovative ways. The satisfaction of creating decorated cookies gave way to the desire to empower other bakers and craftsmen, providing them with the tools and knowledge to turn their passions into thriving and sustainable businesses.

Reflection and Sharing of Journeys

This is an invitation for you to reflect on your own journey.

  • How have your reasons for starting changed over time?
  • What initially attracted you to baking or crafting, and what now keeps your flame burning?

Perhaps you have discovered new passions within your art, or perhaps your motivation has deepened, connecting with more significant values and purposes.

I encourage each of you to share your stories. By doing so, we not only celebrate our individual evolution but also connect with others in our community who may be undergoing similar transformations. This exchange of experiences not only enriches our understanding of our own journey but can also inspire and motivate others to explore new paths and possibilities.

What Motivates Us to Continue

At the heart of our ongoing journey is the desire to grow, make a difference, and express our true essence through our art. Whether it’s the joy of seeing someone’s smile when receiving a decorated cookie, the satisfaction of overcoming a technical challenge, or the pleasure of sharing knowledge and inspiration with the community, our reasons for continuing are as varied as we are.

By staying connected with our evolved “why”, we not only find the motivation to face challenges and overcome obstacles, but we also pave the way for a future of limitless possibilities. The “why” that keeps us moving forward is the beacon that lights our journey, guiding us through uncertainties and reminding us of what is truly important.

Therefore, as we reflect on what now motivates us to continue, it is essential to recognize and embrace the evolution of our initial motives. By doing so, we not only honor our past but also pave the way for a future filled with passion, purpose, and infinite possibilities.

Part 4: Strategies for Staying Aligned with Your Why

Keeping passion and purpose alive in our businesses and hobbies is essential for long-term success and personal satisfaction. However, we inevitably face challenges and obstacles that can shake our focus and diminish our motivation. Here, we explore practical strategies and the methodology of the 5 Whys, a powerful tool for identifying and solving problems at the core of our difficulties, ensuring that we remain aligned with our fundamental “why”.

Practical Tips for Maintaining Passion and Purpose

  1. Revisit Your Why Regularly: Take time to reflect on your initial why and how it has evolved. This can help reignite your passion and ensure that your actions are aligned with your deepest values and goals.
  2. Set Goals Aligned with Your Why: Set clear and tangible goals that reflect your purpose. This not only provides a sense of direction but also a concrete path to realizing your vision.
  3. Surround Yourself with Inspiration: Whether through books, podcasts, communities, or mentorships, engaging with sources of inspiration can reinforce your commitment to your why and stimulate new ideas.
  4. Celebrate Small Victories: Recognizing and celebrating successes along the way can boost your motivation and remind you of the progress you’re making toward your goals.
  5. Flexibility and Openness to Change: Be open to adjusting your path as needed. Sometimes, growth and evolution require changes in direction that are more aligned with your evolved why.

Finding the right balance between pursuing your passion and managing the demands of a growing business can be challenging. Effective time management is crucial to ensuring that you can do both without compromising your health or well-being. For entrepreneurs looking to optimize their daily routines and ensure that every minute counts, exploring effective time management strategies can be a game-changer. This guide offers proven techniques that help prioritize tasks, set achievable goals, and most importantly, reserve time for what ignites your passion for baking.

Discovering Your Why

Introduction to the 5 Whys Methodology

The 5 Whys Methodology is a simple yet powerful technique developed by Sakichi Toyoda, which aims to explore the root causes of a problem by repeating the question “Why?”. By applying this technique, we can discover not only what is hindering our progress but also develop profound and lasting solutions.

How to Apply the 5 Whys:

  1. Identify the Problem: Start with a clear statement of the problem you are facing.
  2. Ask “Why?” Five Times: For each answer, ask “Why?” again until you have done this five times. Each step will take you deeper into the underlying causes of the problem.
  3. Find the Root Cause: The final answer should help you identify the root cause of the problem.
  4. Develop a Strategic Solution: With the root cause in hand, develop a solution that directly addresses that cause, ensuring an effective and sustainable resolution.

Practical Example:

Problem: I am losing motivation to continue my decorated cookie business.

  1. Why? Because sales are low.
  2. Why? Because customers are not engaged with my brand.
  3. Why? Because my marketing does not effectively communicate my why.
  4. Why? Because I do not have clarity on how my why translates into my brand and products.
  5. Why? Because I have not reviewed and reflected on my why regularly.

Solution: Revisit and refine my why, and develop a marketing strategy that authentically communicates that why, increasing customer engagement and, in turn, sales.

By staying true to our why and using tools like the 5 Whys Methodology to overcome obstacles, we can keep our passion and purpose at the center of our endeavors, ensuring not only success but also personal and professional fulfillment.


Throughout this dialogue, we explored fundamental concepts and practical strategies that are essential for anyone who wishes to keep passion and purpose alive in their businesses and hobbies. The journey to understand and stay aligned with our “why” is both challenging and rewarding, offering a compass that guides us through the highs and lows of our creative and entrepreneurial endeavors.

Summary of Key Points Discussed about discovering your why

  1. The Power of Why: The importance of understanding our fundamental “why”, as articulated by Simon Sinek, as the driving force behind our motivation and action. This understanding not only keeps us focused and inspired but also helps us navigate challenging times.
  2. Evolution of Why: We recognize that our initial motives may evolve over time, reflecting our personal and professional growth. We encourage continuous reflection on how these changes shape what motivates us today.
  3. Alignment Strategies: We discussed practical tips and introduced the 5 Whys Methodology as tools to keep our passion and purpose aligned with our daily actions. These strategies are crucial for overcoming obstacles and remaining true to our “why”.

Encouragement to Continue Discovering Your “Why”

Now, more than ever, it is vital that each of us continues to explore and refine our “why”. This ongoing process of self-questioning and reflection is not just about keeping our businesses aligned with our values, but also about finding satisfaction and joy in the work we do every day.

Applying the Concepts Discussed of discovering your why:

  • Regular Reflection: Make self-questioning and reflection a regular practice. Take time to reconnect with your “why” and assess how it has evolved.
  • Communicate Your Why: Ensure that your “why” is clearly communicated in all facets of your business, from marketing to customer service. This not only strengthens your brand but also creates deeper connections with your audience.
  • Facing Challenges with the 5 Whys: Use the 5 Whys Methodology whenever you face obstacles. This approach can help you identify and solve fundamental problems, ensuring that you stay on the right track.
  • Community and Sharing: Engage with communities of like-minded individuals, where you can share your experiences and learn from others. Sharing your journeys and “whys” can be incredibly enriching and inspiring.

By applying these concepts and strategies in our lives and businesses, we not only improve our personal engagement with our work but also expand our impact on the world around us. Remember, your “why” is the heart of your passion and purpose; keeping it at the center of everything you do is key to a life and career filled with meaning and success.

I encourage each of you to take forward the insights and strategies discussed today. By doing so, you not only enrich your own journey but also inspire those around you to explore and live their own “whys” with passion and purpose.

Additional Material about discovering your why:

To further enrich your journey of discovery and alignment with your “why”, and to ensure that you have access to a variety of resources that can support your personal and professional growth, here are some suggestions for additional materials. These resources can provide additional insights, practical strategies, and ongoing inspiration to keep your passion and purpose at the center of your actions.




These additional materials are an excellent way to expand your knowledge and understanding of the importance of knowing your “why”, as well as offering practical tools to apply these concepts in your life and work. By exploring these resources, you will take another significant step in your journey of personal and professional growth.

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