Welcome to the Sweet Bite APP Family

Ah, the sweet smell of success!

You’ve just taken the first step towards perfectly organized cookie crafting.

But wait, there’s a tiny mix we need to sort out!

Mixing Bowl Alert! We Need Your Emails!

Just like how every cookie needs a unique cutter, we need the unique blend of your PayPal email and your preferred app email.

Whip out your email and send us the magical combo to hello@sweetbiteapp.com with the subject “My Sweet Emails!”

so we can match your subscription faster than you can say “chocolate chip!”

Here’s the recipe for the perfect email:

– Your PayPal email (so we know it’s really you!)

– Your chosen email for Sweet Bite APP adventures

A Pinch of Patience, Please!

Our cookie elves are working round the clock (fueled by sugar, of course) to manually set up your subscription. We’ll have you sorted quicker than you can lick the spoon, but we appreciate a sprinkle of patience.

A Hearty Thanks!

We’re over the moon (cookie) that you’ve joined us! Your subscription is the yeast that makes our community rise. Thank you for dough-ing it with us!

Until your account is as set as a perfectly baked cookie, why not follow us @SweetBiteApp on Instagram and Facebook for a feast of tips, tricks, and treats?

Stay sweet and bake on,
The Sweet Bite APP Team

Any question?

Feel free to ask!

Phone | WhatsApp | Message

+ 55 11 98962-8664



e-mail address

hello (at) sweetbiteapp (dot) com